DEFINITIONS (extracto)
Algorithm: A geometric or arithmetic rule that is repeated.
Chaos: A mathematically determinate state of turbulence. (The same start point, subjected to the same mathematical method, produces an identical result to the same extent of calculation, however unpredictable the process.)
Probability: A structure governed by chance. Its diagrams, in the manner of trees, are serial bifurcations.
Dimension: A measure of space in whole integers. In our perception there are the 3 dimensions of line, area and volume. In design space and mathematics there are n-dimensions.
Fractal: A non-integer dimension of pattern. The coastline is of a fractal geometry. A fractal has infinite range of scale.
Geometry: A mathematical description of space - a local concept.
Topology: The study of continuity - a forensic of connectivity.
Sequence: An array of independent entities.
Series: A progression of related entities.
Matrix: An arrangement in rows and columns of events or values that act simultaneously.
Equilibrium: A stable relationship of forces about a point of symmetry.
Coherence: The connecting of separate equilibriums.
Emergence: The internal will of chaotic systems to reach coherence.
Dynamic symmetry: Instantaneous balance about a moving point.
Static symmetry: The balance of shape or force about a fixed point or line.
The Argand plane: A plane of complex numbers with the horizontal axis as real numbers and the vertical axis as imaginary numbers.
Linear: The assumption of adjacency as a direct causal route.
Pattern: A set of marks that have abstract powers.
Network: The joining up of pattern, with function – a star map - a road map - a molecule.
Scale: Measure that gives meaning to both network and pattern.
Formal: Platonic ideal reduced to a set of rules.
Informal: The non-linear characteristics of design.
Extracto de las páginas 111-112 y 113…
Cecil Balmond with Jannuzzi Smith. INFORMAL. Munich, 2002. Prestel Verlag. 5ºedición: 2010
Seleccionado por el arq. Martín Lisnovsky
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¿Qué tipo de libro es, en cuanto al balance gráfico/texto? Es algo caro (bueno, lo normal tratándose de arquitectura) y me decepcionaría desembolsar 50dlls + envío por un poco de texto y muchas fotografías...
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