lunes, 19 de marzo de 2007

Hoy recomendamos: The Renzo Piano Logbook

Renzo Piano

A Humanistic Approach to Architecture (fragmento)

…”I believe that the architect must lead a double life. On one hand is a taste for exploration, for being on the edge, an unwillingness to accept things for what they appear to be: a disobedient, transgressive, even rather insolent approach. On the other is a genuine, and not formal, gratitude to history and nature: the two contexts in wich architecture has its roots. Perhaps this double life is the essence of the only humanistic approach that is possible today.”

The Renzo Piano logbook
Thames and Hudson Ltd, London, 1997

Una excelente oportunidad para iniciarse y/o sumergirse en el interesantísimo universo creativo del arquitecto Renzo Piano. Imágenes, una reseña de cada obra proyectada hasta la fecha de publicación y pequeños fragmentos de textos que describen la opinión y la postura del equipo de trabajo frente a los problemas cotidianos del estudio. Altamente recomendado.

Editado por el arq. Martín Lisnovsky

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